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social inquiry report meaning

"social inquiry report" in a sentence

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  • [Law]
    A report prepared by a probation officer and made to a criminal court to assist it in deciding what "sentence to impose on a convicted person. The report gives details of the person's background, family, home circumstances, relationships, attitudes, job situation, and prospects. It is based on interviews with the accused person and his family and friends. The report gives the probation officer's opinion on the suitability of particular kinds of sentence; for example, how well the accused would be likely to respond to an order for community service.


  • The real question is how long and I will need a social inquiry report to help me,
  • The administration of social inquiry reports for both children and adults was supervised by the probation services, which included advice, agency referral, counseling, and filing court reports.

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What is the meaning of social inquiry report and how to define social inquiry report in English? social inquiry report meaning, what does social inquiry report mean in a sentence? social inquiry report meaningsocial inquiry report definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.